Utilization of carbon nanotube for biochemical applications
Using carbon nanotube for drinking water sanitation and water-based rapid biomedical testing
(Photo Credit: MIT News)
Making windfarms more profitable
Increasing the efficiency of wind power generators through sensors and data analytics
(Photo Credit: Cornell University)
Farming with remote sensing technology
Using data from synthetic aperture radar to enhance crop yields and manage climate change risks
(Photo Credit: Johns Hopkins University)
Stabilizing the performance of power grid
Using optical sensors to monitor and stabilize the operation of the power grid
(Photo Credit: Life & Soul Magazine)
Creating sustainable fashion for SDGs
Through creativity and culture to generate global awareness and action in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
AvantFaire has been involved in the investment and research in industries and their products and services concerning green and efficient technologies for sustainable communities, cities and rural areas.
Please contact us for more details about sustainable city projects we have participated in.